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Mining engineerer: How to be successful manager in any mine ?

This post is about how to be the manager. The nuts and bolts of making your aim and ambition thirst for Managerial post. It is not an academic publication about counseling for the career. Knowing how to be a manager in the Mine is going to help you achieve your dream yourself.

In order to be a Successful mining engineer and have your career at the manager level here are tips and advice given by Industrial expertise in a seminar I have attended, so I thought to share that with you guys.
Put another way, who can best train an athlete for the Olympics? A scientist who’s studied muscle development for years in a lab? Or a coach who’s a former athlete and has been
involved in the sport for decades?

 I’m going to talk about things that
you would never bring up in conversation.


I know, I know. You might be rolling your eyes saying to yourself, “I thought this was an informative blog about successful tips. Why waste my time talking about simple stuff like the experience?” That’s the wrong way to think! Don’t dismiss the importance of experience as that will provide you Approved first-class manager certificate.

Diploma or Degree in Mining engineering.

Qualification is something Mandatory in every recruitment. In fact, if you wish to apply for a conductor post in government transportation, you will first need to fulfill their qualification requirement prior to give further test. So to be a Successful mining engineer Convocation is a requirement.

 Management skills.

Higher education as a Bachelor's in Mining engineering is not enough. Master of business administration is always a better combination preferred by Industries at the manager level.
You can have your MBA in finance or marketing. This will Demonstrate the knowledge of management science to solve complex corporate problems using limited resources.

 Proficiency in mine design and scheduling software.

Software will empower mining engineers and managers to work smarter and faster. It will give the tools and resources to engineer better plans, examine more scenarios, and consequently drive lower costs.

I wrote down everything I was told in that seminar.
If you still want some more tips and advice just subscribe to my blog.
I do write technical and informative blogs.
Thank you
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