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Applications Of Drone Technology In Opencast Mines

In the coming future, the drone survey in mines will be the normal practice in India; as in abroad this technology is being used effectively. The data collected from the Drones will not just be fulfilling the Statutory requirements but also it will be used to evaluate the Operational Performances of Open Pit Mines, Dumps, Mineral Stacks, Tailing dam, etc

The drone data with Analytics platform will quickly detect the danger zones, un-systematic benching patterns, Haul Road gradients, Blasting Performance, Stock-pile Management, Fleet Optimization, etc.

Are you ready to embrace the technology change in Mines? Let's explore the various applications of drone survey with Deepak Gaur who is founder of Mining 360 Services explained during a webinar held on the 25th  day of April 2020.

He showed the actual process adopted to get the drone survey done in one of the open cast mine through a case study done by Mr. Amresh Samantaray, who is  Director of GEOID Resources Pvt Ltd.

Evolution in Survey Field 





B.C. Surveying Tools:


         Egyptians in 1400 B.C. were the first surveyors documenting their techniques.

         The tools were sighting and leveling instruments, ropes, and plumb bobs.

         Nearly a thousand years later, magnets were used in China to determine the direction, a predecessor to modern compasses.

         The diopter soon became the instrument of choice for surveyors after the development of geometry.





Inventions of 18th Century:


         Devices based on the Cross-Staffs  and the production of quadrants  became refined, sextants, pentants,  and octants were developed to  enhance accuracy and ease of use.

         Prior to the turn of the century, the theodolite was developed and systematically altered surveying, as it played an integral role in triangulation.




Surveying Blossoms in the 19th  Century:


         Devices such as alidade, The Transit designed by William Young (1830) was invented.

         At the same time, Australians created Gunter’s chain and the steel measuring band to perfect surveying techniques.





Surveying thrived  in 20th Century

         Gunter’s chain was replaced by steel bands and invar tapes, and later by  Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM) equipment and subsequently  Global Positioning System (GPS) devices.

         Likewise, compasses were replaced by transits, later theodolites and then Total  Stations, which combined angular and distance measurement in a single survey  instrument.



21st Century will  bring Paradigm  Shift in Surveying


         Laser Scanners, Robotic LIDAR Scanners, Drone (UAV) Surveying………


Principals of Drone Technology

What is meant by drone survey?

Drone surveys are a faster, safer and more cost-efficient way to survey at height. Sometimes referred to  as aerial surveys, UAS (Unmanned Aerial System)  surveys, or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) surveysdrone surveys are an increasingly popular method of  surveying form the air. 

To Produce useful and accurate 3D Drone Data, three  ingredients are essentials: 

Good Ground Control Points.
The Science of  Photogrammetry.
Clear Aerial Drone Imaginary.

How Drone Photos turned into 3D survey?

The best way to visualize this is to use your eyes—literally. Your eyeballs are using photogrammetry all the time.You have two eyes (two cameras), processing a live feed of your surroundings. Because your eyes are slightly apart, you’re getting two different inputs at slightly different angles.

Your mind is rendering a live depth map of the 3D world from two 2D inputs—just like how Propeller renders a 3D survey from many 2D photos.

Application of Drone Survey Data?


 Contours can be generated throughout the mining lease area at  any specific interval from 0.1 m to  0.5m, contour lines can be generated for depth analysis.


Contours super-imposed on the 3 D image given  by Drone 

Monitoring the Actual Development with respect to the Proposed Development Plan: 

Year-wise development plan on the 3 D image

Stock-Pile Management:

Stockpile  management is  perhaps the most widely used worksite application for drones, and for good reason: drones have completely transformed this common workflow. 

Section profile superimposed with initial position

Quarry Volume Excavation Calculations:

Facilitates site managers to check monthly pit volumes and compare the current surface against previous datasets. 

Quarry and dump slope monitoring:

Drone data provides an accurate and up-to-date visualization of worksites allowing for better pit and dump design and management. With regular flights, sites can build up a visual record of changes over time, allowing site managers to check weekly/monthly pit volumes and compare the current surface against previous datasets.
Modeling sediment flow on drone-captured elevation maps also allows for better planning of tailings basin operations. Upload the approved planning surface to the platform & compare & plan the excavation planning accordingly. 


Drones are the perfect tool to quickly and inexpensively inspect  hard-to-access areas. High-resolution images, including details and  aspects that may not be visible from the ground, are used by  multiple departments in a variety of inspection workflows.
Drone survey helps environmental departments ensure that site  boundaries are preserved and protected areas are not disturbed.  Photo Pane view helps geologists perform accurate Geotech  mapping and bench face inspections, and assists in the close monitoring of the fixed plant. 

Haul road analytics overlaid:

Drone data makes it easy to assess haul road conditions on a  regular basis and allows for accurate traffic planning. Advanced  analytic options available which enables site personnel to  calculate haul road lengths, measure slopes, gradient and check  roads against design and safety requirements with a few clicks. 


Quarry & Blasting :

Any blast area can be easily and inexpensively surveyed with a drone.
Geoid processes the raw data, and presents it as accurate 3D models, Orthophoto and digital point clouds, allowing for easy  drill depth calculations and further analysis.


Surface run-off management and Monitoring of other Environment Protection Measures:

Garland drain, Retaining Wall, Check dams, Check Wires,  Settling ponds, Contour trench, Monitoring Stations, etc. can be  checked as per proposed v/s actual

 Safety Aspects in mines :

The output generated from drone survey can help in analyzing and easily finding  out the major safety aspects like

Bench height & width,

Haul Road Parameter such as Gradient & Width,

Road curves

Road Conditions,

Pre Blast & Post Blast rock thrown analysis & Muck-Pile analysis

Slope stability of bench & dumps

Traffic Management

Power line Mapping

Water-shed analysis 


The output generated from drone survey can help in analyzing and  easily finding out the major security aspects

Surveillance of Mine Site

Motion Tagging & Tracking of animals

Tree Monitoring

By acquiring regular aerial survey data the mining operation can

Ensure environmental compliance with local regulations.

Land use can be monitored and any encroachment on company

Property quickly detected.

Crushing, Screening Plant, Ore  movement etc:

Effective planning of crushing, screening Plant.

Calculation of lead distance & traffic route management

Effectively grade control through blending

of various quality from different locations

Legal Aspect of flying Drone in India ( Digital Sky platform)


Drones are becoming an integral tool in this transformation, replacing manual inspections in the most hazardous areas and collecting critical information, while drastically reducing the time and manpower required.

It provides technological solutions to increase efficiency, improve safety and streamline operations. 

Thanks for reading my article! Now I’d love to hear from you. What is the advantage of using Drone over the conventional method of surveying in mines and also tell me some cheap drones used for surveying in mines? Do you have any questions application of Drone Technology in opencast mining? Drop me a line in the comments and I’ll get back to you straight away

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19 May 2020 at 09:48 ×


Congrats bro deepak you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...